Official EDDM Flier 6 x 11" Canva Pro Version Required
Official EDDM Flier 6 x 11" Canva Pro Version Required

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Official EDDM Flier 6 x 11" Canva Pro Version Required

Sale price$0.00


Use the exact EDDM (every door direct mail) Template of Top Dock Pro to create more leads through the USPS postal service. This is a paid service to send out in the mail. We typically send out 2000 to 3000 fliers to waterfront properties to increase brand awareness and leads in our detailing business. This is a general flier not targeted to any service in particular. It has been an effective marketing strategy that pays for itself every time. 


What you get?

- 2-page EDDM flier template ready to plug and go with your company information

- Example template already filled out for more clarity

- Access to edit, download, print, & use template in your own detailing business. 

- Powered by Canva. Pro version required for full design effects. $12.99 per month.

- You can order these through Canva. We prefer gloss color to grab attention.


Are you ready to book more clients? Get your custom EDDM flier template made specifically for boat detailing RIGHT NOW!